Sunday, March 20, 2011

Just rambling....

So, I have another book blog post to make, but I thought I'd throw a fun post in here first.
So, as I have said before, Paul and I decided that it would be a good decision for him to quit his job. He was just so miserable there, for one thing. For another, he has so many goals and dreams, working nights seemed to never allow him to even get the smallest things done. For anyone who has ever worked the night shift, it sucks. I have never worked it, but through most of my childhood my mom did. I always remember her being so tired all the time, never around, never able to go to our games or horse shows because of work. She was always supportive, just never able to be there. It sucked. So, when Paul started thinking about quitting, I was so thrilled. I know I don't want him to miss out on our kids lives like my mom did mine and my brothers.
Now we are about six weeks after he left his job and, to be honest, I am not sure how I feel about it. When he was working nights, I got so much more done! To avoid the loneliness, I would clean almost every night. I did laundry twice a week, folded and put away, too! I made dinner almost every night and I even made time for the gym on a regular basis. Now, I haven't been to the gym in weeks, the house is a wreck, laundry piles up, dinner is a chore. I am much less motivated to do anything...except spend time with my honey!
I love all the time we get to spend together now. We get to watch tv and movies together, cook together, go to bed togehter, wake up together. So, I was just kidding when I wasn't sure how I felt about it...I love it. I guess I should just be greatful my husband doesn't really care how dirty the house is. If he gets too concerned, I guess he will just clean it himself :)

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